
Get all Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance types with one click! Download a handy CSV file or compressed SQL dump containing all Amazon EC2 instance types, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume types, AWS regions, AWS local zones, and AWS wavelength zones. Open the CSV with your favorite spreadsheet software (MS Excel, LibreOffice, Google Sheets) or import the SQL data into your preferred database (like SQLite).


Comma Separated Values (CSV) file with Amazon EC2 instance types, AWS regions, AWS local zones, and AWS wavelength zones.

Download CSV (20.21 MB)


Gzip compressed Structured Query Language (SQL) export with Amazon EC2 instance types, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume types, AWS regions, AWS local zones, and AWS wavelength zones.

Download SQL (3.84 MB)

Command Line

Go beyond basic spreadsheets! With the SQL export, you can analyze all Amazon EC2 instance types using powerful command-line tools. No need for complex software installations; just use tools like sqlite3 or your favorite SQL client. It's faster, more flexible, and perfect for automating tasks.

# Download SQL export
curl -O
# Decompress SQL export
gzip -d aws-instances-locations.sql.gz
# Import SQL dump
sqlite3 aws.db < aws-instances-locations.sql
# SQL query Amazon EC2 instance types
sqlite3 aws.db

Example SQL:

SELECT I."instanceType", I."vCpus", I."processor", I."memorySizeInMiB", P."onDemandLinuxHr"
FROM "instance-shared-prices" P
INNER JOIN "instance-types" I ON P."instanceType" = I."instanceType"
WHERE P."location" = 'eu-central-1'
AND I."vCpus" >= '8'
AND I."currentGeneration" = '1'
ORDER BY P."onDemandLinuxHr"

Example output:

t4g.2xlarge|8|AWS Graviton2 Processor|32768.0|0.3072
c6g.2xlarge|8|AWS Graviton2 Processor|16384.0|0.3104
c7g.2xlarge|8|AWS Graviton3 Processor|16384.0|0.3298
t3a.2xlarge|8|AMD EPYC 7571|32768.0|0.3456
c5a.2xlarge|8|AMD EPYC 7R32|16384.0|0.348

Open Source

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