Amazon EC2 Instance Type d2.2xlarge

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance type d2.2xlarge with 8 vCPUs and 61 GiB memory. Available in 23 Amazon Web Services (AWS) locations.

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Amazon EC2 Instance Type d2.2xlarge

Technical facts about the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance type d2.2xlarge.

Instance Type d2.2xlarge
Instance Family and Generation D2
Instance Family Name Storage optimized
Current Generation no
Bare Metal no
Supported Usage Classes on-demand, spot
Supported Virtualization Types hvm
Hypervisor xen
CPU Manufacturer Intel
CPU Platform Intel Xeon E5-2676 v3 (Haswell)
Architectures x86_64
Clock Speed 2.4
vCPUs 8
Cores 4
Threads per Core 2
Burstable Performance Supported no
Memory Size 61
Network Performance High
Maximum Network Interfaces 4
Maximum Network Cards 1
IPv4 Addresses per Interface 15
IPv6 Addresses per Interface 15
IPv6 Supported yes
Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) Supported unsupported
ENA Express powered by AWS Scalable Reliable Datagram (SRD) Supported no
Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) Supported no
Network Encryption in Transit Supported no
Storage 6 x 2000 HDD
Supported Root Device Types ebs, instance-store
Instance Store Supported yes
Instance Store Total Size 12288
Instance Store NVME Support unsupported
Instance Store Encryption Support unsupported
EBS Optimized Support default
EBS Optimized Baseline Bandwidth in Mbps 1000
EBS Optimized Maximum Bandwidth in Mbps 1000
EBS Optimized Baseline Throughput in MBps 125
EBS Optimized Maximum Throughput in MBps 125
EBS Optimized Baseline IOPS 8000
EBS Optimized Maximum IOPS 8000
EBS Encryption Support supported
EBS NVME Support unsupported
GPU Manufacturer -
GPU Name -
GPUs -
GPU Total Memory -
Placement Group Supported Strategies cluster, partition, spread
Hibernation Supported no
Dedicated Hosts Supported yes
Auto Recovery Supported no
Supported Boot Modes legacy-bios
Nitro Enclaves Support unsupported
Nitro TPM Support unsupported
SAP Supported no
SAP HANA Supported no
SAP Standard Benchmark (SAPS) -

Costs (Pricing) for d2.2xlarge

Cost and pricing across all AWS locations for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance type d2.2xlarge with free operating system.

Price per Hour

Min. Avg. Max.
On-Demand 1.38 1.5953 1.914
Spot Instance 0.1618 0.388 0.6558

Price per Month

Min. Avg. Max.
On-Demand Instance 1007.4 1164.58 1397.22
Spot Instance 118.11 283.22 478.73
Reserved Instance one-year term no upfront 556.26 672.43 772.34
Reserved Instance one-year term partial upfront 502.12 595.68 699
Reserved Instance one-year term all upfront 492 583.78 684.67
Reserved Instance three-year term no upfront 397.12 463.06 541.66
Reserved Instance three-year term partial upfront 307.02 406.57 501.93
Reserved Instance three-year term all upfront 288.61 382.13 471.5
Convertible Reserved Instance one-year term no upfront 608.09 719.95 843.88
Convertible Reserved Instance one-year term partial upfront 579.48 685.6 803.17
Convertible Reserved Instance one-year term all upfront 567.67 671.9 787.33
Convertible Reserved Instance three-year term no upfront 514.65 608.47 694.96
Convertible Reserved Instance three-year term partial upfront 452.19 534.01 633.74
Convertible Reserved Instance three-year term all upfront 442.81 523.29 621.14

Price per Location

Costs and pricing for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance type d2.2xlarge in AWS locations in which the instance type is available.

Location Costs per Hour Costs per Month
Code Name Continent Type On-Demand Spot On-Demand Spot 1Y RI (No) 1Y RI (All) 3Y RI (No) 3Y RI (All)
sa-east-1 South America (Sao Paulo) South America Region N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
us-east-1 US East (N. Virginia) North America Region 1.38 0.2128 1007.4 155.34 586.92 492 N/A 288.61
us-east-2 US East (Ohio) North America Region 1.38 0.1618 1007.4 118.11 586.92 492 N/A 288.61
us-west-2 US West (Oregon) North America Region 1.38 0.3547 1007.4 258.93 586.92 492 N/A 288.61
eu-north-1 EU (Stockholm) Europe Region 1.396 0.1787 1019.08 130.45 556.26 519.33 407.34 354.44
eu-west-1 EU (Ireland) Europe Region 1.47 0.6558 1073.1 478.73 652.62 546.33 N/A 372.94
ca-central-1 Canada (Central) North America Region 1.518 0.5805 1108.14 423.76 646.05 541.25 N/A 317.5
eu-south-1 EU (Milan) Europe Region 1.544 0.424 1127.12 309.52 615.39 574.42 450.41 392
eu-west-2 EU (London) Europe Region 1.544 0.495 1127.12 361.35 684.74 573.67 N/A 391.61
eu-west-3 EU (Paris) Europe Region 1.544 0.5613 1127.12 409.75 615.39 574.08 N/A 392.08
us-west-1 US West (N. California) North America Region 1.563 0.2616 1140.99 190.97 717.59 600.92 N/A 369.17
eu-central-1 EU (Frankfurt) Europe Region 1.588 0.33 1159.24 240.9 703.72 589.83 N/A 402.94
me-south-1 Middle East (Bahrain) Middle East Region 1.617 0.5187 1180.41 378.65 644.59 601.5 471.58 410.56
ap-south-1 Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Asia Pacific Region 1.653 0.1653 1206.69 120.67 711.75 595.92 N/A 407.11
us-gov-east-1 AWS GovCloud (US-East) North America Region 1.656 N/A 1208.88 N/A 634.37 592.33 397.12 345.44
us-gov-west-1 AWS GovCloud (US) North America Region 1.656 N/A 1208.88 N/A 704.45 590.17 N/A 346.53
ap-northeast-1 Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Asia Pacific Region 1.688 0.4895 1232.24 357.33 772.34 646.67 N/A 441.83
ap-northeast-2 Asia Pacific (Seoul) Asia Pacific Region 1.688 0.182 1232.24 132.86 771.61 646.58 N/A 441.86
ap-northeast-3 Asia Pacific (Osaka) Asia Pacific Region 1.688 N/A 1232.24 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
ap-southeast-1 Asia Pacific (Singapore) Asia Pacific Region 1.74 0.4599 1270.2 335.73 748.98 627.33 N/A 428.5
ap-southeast-2 Asia Pacific (Sydney) Asia Pacific Region 1.74 0.5646 1270.2 412.16 748.98 627.33 N/A 428.5
af-south-1 Africa (Cape Town) Africa Region 1.75 0.5494 1277.5 401.06 697.88 651 510.27 444.31
ap-east-1 Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Asia Pacific Region 1.914 0.2259 1397.22 164.91 733.65 684.67 541.66 471.5